Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Abortion and Down syndrome...

... its a word I truly hate!
ALL life is precious and worthy, no matter what race, age or disabilitie...

I have heard alot about how abortion is wrong, it is a sin, blah blah blah, latly.
I am not writing this post to offend anyone, I am just stating my beleifs like everyone elce :)

So, everyone wants what is best for their child, right?
I do not judge people for aborting their child with Down syndrome.
To be totally honest, if we knew Oscar was going to have it his parents probebly would have too...
I am not saying its what I want BUT I am so sick of seeing posts about how horrible someone is for 'murdering' their child.

Its not like that.... people are so totally clueless about the joys a child with Down syndrome bring!
I have met SO many parents, siblings, relatives of people with Down syndrome and I'm pretty sure most of them would say they were scared! At first, it seems like maybe it would be best for the child to be in heaven... is that such a selfish decision? REALLY?

I dont wish that abortions didn't exisit because everyone has a right to make their own decisions without being judged...
What I do wish is that we lived in a world where people knew the truth! That people knew their child still had the chance to an amazing life! Instead of thinking that they would be better of dying. I wish that the first thing doctors said was "Congratulations" not "Sorry".... I wish doctors told all the possitives instead of the negatives... I wish they encouraged the person to keep the child and offering support systems instead of encouraging an abortion.

Don't get me wrong, I am totally pro life! BUT I do think it is time people stopped judging people who do get abortions, because to be honest, I understand why. I don't agree with it, but yes, I understand!

So instead of posting about how abortion is murder and all that, why don't you post the TRUTH about Down syndrome? Maybe then, people wont feel the need to get an abortion :)

1 comment:

  1. Taylah,

    I have and adoption fundraising idea I'd like to share with you. Could you please email me at


    Matthew Lee
