I havn't gotten to see you in the past few days, because everytime I go to see you your sleeping!
Your sleep patterns are funny, you go to sleep with the sun and wake up with the birdy's, or sometimes BEFORE them! You take a nap for three hours every day.
Its normally in the morning because you get up so early now!
It's hard to take you out because you often need a sleep, which is a little annoying, but its been working out really good with your theropy times :)
You make me smile with all the funny things you do, sweet boy!
Latly, I had to move all the photo's from my old computers to my laptop. I have been looking through all the pictures of when you were a little baby, you were soooo cubby! OH MY GOODNESS!
I found the pictures from your first ever smile!!
I remember that day, you came over for a visit and we worked for ages trying to make you smile. You were three months old. So little and cubby!
It brings joy to my heart, being able to remember everything, each memory, as if it were yesterday. I guess its because each moment with you is a tresure, each moment I remember the day when they told us you had little chance of living, so I make the most of the EXTRA time God gave you :)
THAT makes me smile, inside and out! It makes my heart so very happy to know we have shared so many special memories together, thank's to God! Because God gave us to you, God bought you back when the doctors said they didn't have much chance, God has blessed us so much :)
I just wanted to let you know... You make me smile, :) :)
Love, Godmumma
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