Monday, July 26, 2010


Yesterday I opened up Lorraines blog, just like I do everyday. I found words of scripture with a message after. She talked about judging people, disruped adoptions inparticualar.
If you would like to have a look please follow the link below,
This blog post stood out to me, like many of her posts. It made me realise I am too quick to judge, infact, I should not judge at all.
Humans are not perfect, God did not make us perfect. We make mistakes, We ask for His forgivness and we learn from these mistakes.
Who are we to judge others? We have no right to judge someone for their mistakes (or what we see as mistakes) We are in no position to judge unless we are in the EXACT same position, which we never are as God made us all indervidually and NO-ONE is ever in the EXACT same position.
We should never judge, that is Gods job on our judgment day.
One of the anologys used in Lorraines blog is a young girl that is pregnet and decides to put the child up for adoption. This girl would be judged for her decision. Her decision to give this child up for adoption as she can not provide for the child herself. We are in NO position to judge this girls decision as we are not in her exact position.
We are in no position to judge anyone for anything. God is in that position, not us!
I would like you to think about how many people YOU judge and how many people judge YOU for decisions you make.

"And the heavens proclaim rightiousness, For God Himself is judge."

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