Saturday, January 22, 2011

OMG... you look like a ZOMBIE!

I am not sure what to think of work. Sometimes I love it, sometimes I hate it.
Customers annoy me and make me angry! Today I got a entire meal thrown at my head by an angry man! SERIOUSLY?!
But this convo made my day....

Little boy- 'are you tired?'
Me- 'a little, why?'
Little boy- 'Oh wow! You look real tired.... you look like a zombie!'
Me- 'Oh no! Really?'
Boy- 'Trust me you do! You look like one from a nightmare!'
Me- 'Well, thats not very good is it' (I could not stop laughing at this point!)
Boy- 'Anyway Zombie girl.... could I have a happy meal toy'
Me- 'Sure, they are $2'
Boy- 'But your my bestest friend, Zombie girl!'
Me- 'Oh sweetie, I know but I still need the $2'
Boy- 'But YOU forgot it in my happy meal!!!'
Me- 'Well then, I better give it too you for free'
Boy- 'Yer, you better!'
.... So I gave him his to and he starts to wonder off, then I hear...
'Whoooo! I tricked a Zombie! Zombies are stupid! Free toy for me!'
Good night :)

1 comment:

  1. Haha oh my goodness, that conversation is TOO cute! <3
