Monday, January 17, 2011

Snoty, Sore, Blocked up but Happy boy!

Oscar never stops amazing me with his bravery!
I wish more then anything that I could take his pain away but the reality is I can not! He is in God's hands... That is OK! Because I know God loves him more then me!

I went to see Oscar today and I was shocked!
Lets start off with his bottom...
Well it is bad! It is the worst I have ever seen it!
It is constently bleeding!
We are worried how much blood he has lost from it the past few days... because when we change his nappy and wipe his bottom (Which is extreamly painful but needed!) it just pores out with blood! And he has ALOT of nappy changes a day!
Doctors say to wash it and keep it clean as much as possible!
But because Oscar has little control over his bottom and nappys are very expensive it is very hard to do so. Plus it doesn't even seem to work!

Oscar is also a VERY snoty little man!
He HATES me wiping his nose but those boggies ain't stoppin' coming!!!
Poor little man!
When Oscar gets sick... He gets VERY sick!
At the moment they have no car (Its in for repairs) and our car doesn't have the straps for the baby seat. So the doctors has to wait for a few more days. Although I rang today to book an appointment and they told me at least two weeks!!! HONESTLY?!
He is having a bit of trouble breathing, but not bad enough to be hospitalised. YET anyway.
It seems when he gets a cold he gets it sooo bad that he needs to go to hospital and get some O2 into him!

But he has to be one of the happiest children out!
We had a great day together besides a few crying fits because Daddy walked out the room!!!
We went for a walk out to the point and he loved every second of it!
He has this funny thing going where he loves to touch certain tree's on the way home!
It cracks me up!

Please keep my snoty, sore, blocked up but happy baby boy in your prayers :)

Thank you, sweet friends!

Oh, and we did a photo shoot, just for YOU.... Enjoy!

'Oh my, here comes the crazy lady with the camera AGAIN!'

I must say, he is beautiful!

Those eyes are amazing!

Ok, we stoped having lunch for a few moments to take some shots because he was being SUPER cute.... as you can see ;)

Every day I thank God for this precious little boy! This is one of my fav pictures of the day! We told him to put his tounge away and show some teeth.... adorable! :)

One last thing before we say goodnight...
Happy Birthday Miss Lilybird!
Can't you see? Oscar just adore's Lily!
Them two share ALOT in common!
They are both brave and almost always happy. They both have a bent pinky and a crease down the center of their palms. Not to forget the big space between their first and second toe... or that magical extra chromosome!
It is these things that bought them together.... and one day that WILL meet and play together so amazingly.
But untill then.... We will just edit adorable pictures of them ;)

Happy birthday, sweet girl!
We ADORE you!

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