Sunday, March 20, 2011

Yesterday I got to see my sweet boy :)

Not for long, but it was so great to see him happy!

I really can't explain what it is like to see him smiling all of the time now! He knows he is out of pain and he is for sure making the most of it :)

So, we went for a stroll down to the store to buy and ice cream, a perfect treat for my specail little man.
And it was a glourous walk down... enjoying my sweet blessing.

I decided to leave my camera behind,I just wanted it to be us... no need to waste time snapping, I would forever cherish these moments.

When we got in the line at the store Oscar caught the eye of a lady, she smiled. She asked how old he was and was shocked when I said he was almost three...
Then she asked what he could 'do'. I told her he was working on crawling, and she smiled :)

I turned around to a lady tapping on my sholder.. she was old... 60 or so... and she looks me in the eye and says "wow, he is dumb even for a downs baby"

My jaw almost hit the ground! Really?! Did she just say that!!!

Sometimes I just can't beleive people! I can not wait to see the day when the world KNOWS the blessing of down syndrome :)

Untill then, awareness is the first step... spread it!

One last thing,

Happy birthday to you, Jamie Kay :)

I love you!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry Tay! Oscar is perfect just like he is and he is BRILLIANT. How could he not be, with you for a Godmummy? ;)
    Love you!
