I need some prayers guys.
Two of my best friends have broken hearts. Well, maybe not hearts, the doctors have no idea!
My beautiful Emma,
And my amazing Shani, (who many of you already know of!)
I'll start with Emma.
Not long after Christmas Emma started passing out for no reason. Thank goodness I have never seen her do it, but her 6 year old sister has! Poor little hunny!
Emma has had alomst every test under the sun to figure out what is going on, but they arn't sure what is going on yet. They do know its her heart, just not sure why!
She is going for a heart ultra sound soon, so could you please keep her in your prayers?
Emma has been my friend for YEARS! My life without her would be insain! Although I tend to think she is the reason I am so crazy ;)
These photo's were taken SO long ago... almost a year ago because it was on my birthday! Wow! Em, I miss our sleep overs girly!
Shani baby!
Well, we first found out she was 'sick' a few months ago when she passed out in PE! And had a fit pretty much ontop of me! It was crazy and scary! I remember sitting in the hall with a few on my friends, holding Shani's hand and whipering in her ear for her to 'boss her heart' with tears all around the room.
Each time Shani passes out is terrifing! She wakes up and gasps for air wondering where she is and who we are. Its horrible, and I can not imagain how she feels when its happening.
Shani has had EVERYTHING tested. They are calling her their mystory patient (Which BTW is one of Oscar's fav episopes of Mickey Mouse :))
PLEASE pray for them to find out what is going on!
More doctors appointments for Shani very soon!
Both of my girls are AMAZING! They have great hearts and personalities!
Of all my friends these two were the most supportive when Chrissie was in hospital and went to be with Jesus. Even though I didn't know Chrissie, I loved her with all my heart, and they understood that and held my hand through it all.
Emma claimed to be a 'heavenist' which cracked me up! She belived in heaven, but not God. I tried to change her mind, but no way!
And as for Shani, well, I almost lost hope there.
With both girls being sick with broken hearts I have been telling them to 'boss their hearts!'...and they have been!
A few day's ago Shani fainted in my arms. She was in and out for about half an hour. I left her in the ambulance with my boss your heart necklace and trusted fully that she was in God's hands, and Chrissie was right there with her.
The next day Shani bought a thank you card to school.
Its way too long for me to tell you what it said but here is just one part of it...
"Thank you for showing me that God does exist. Knowing that has really helped me"
YEP! Shani said that!
Then today.... I told Emma I was praying for her, she told me she has been praying too! SHE BELIEVES!
The heavenist and the girl who has no hope in beleiveing now beleive!
How is THAT for magic?
There is only one thing I can say....
I can not beleive how God has used ME to show these beautiful girls He IS there, and He loves them more then you or I think is possible!
I feel so unworthy to have these girls as friends, and I hope I can be some sort of help to them while they walk this journey.
I can see their fear. Both terrified of what the doctors will say.
Emma and Shani, I want you to know that I love you with all of my heart and more, but more then that, I want you to know that God loves you! I want you to know that Chrissie is write there with you, bossing your hearts!
I am honored that God sent Chrissie into my life and changed me forever, but I also love the fact that He used me and Chrissie to touch YOUR lives! AMAZING, simply beautiful!
I know you are scared, and I promise to be there for you, whenever, where ever you need me!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE you girls ;)
Always and forever.
Tay xoxoxoxo