Friday, February 4, 2011

Our sweet Harley Boy

Today he turns TWO!

Harley lives super far away from us but we absolutly ADORE him!
He makes our day.... each day... with his precious little smile!

To think.... without this little boy I wouldn't have a second mOmmy in Ohio ;)
And that Ohio mOmmy is just awesome!

Today isn't about our Mommy.... its all about YOU, sweet love!
But it is about how you changed Mommy's life...and bought us together...
Because together, we do GREAT things :)

Without you, Max wouldnt have a family! Oh how exited we were when we found out someone had commited to him! Mommy and I cant wait to see him in a family... where he belongs!

Two years ago today my life changed... I didn't know it at the time... but when I met our mOmmy I knew you were a blessing in my life!

Thank you! For being born.... TWO YEARS AGO!!!!

You are just the most adorable little boy! Oh how you and Oscar look alike!
Can't wait to see you play together!!!!

Today you are 2... and being 2 is TWICE the fun of being 1! :)
Look at how you have grown....

Whats that Harley? You want to come to Australia for your birthday? OK!.... ;)
I am expecting the most amazing package in about 2 weeks! WHOOOO!


I adore you so much little boy!!!!!

Love, Taylah and Oscar!


  1. Haha that is the cutest thing ever, Tay! <3
    Happy birthday, handsome boy :)

  2. that is adorable..happy birthday handsome : )
