24 hours ago I posted about my world being rocked with the sudden news of my sweet little baby Tyler! I have to say, I havn't been that scared since Oscar was born. To think that something is wrong with Tylers brain terrified me, because I know how fragil babys are.
It scared me becuase the ONE child on that side of the family who in the first 7 months of his life DID NOT have something wrong with him... not did.
I got a phone call off Brendan, Tylers big brother, telling me "Tay I'm scared, Tyler broke his lil heady!"
What is your responce when a 4 year old tells you that?
Mine was my heart breaking over and over.
Today was a big day for Tyler,
But all is good, all is great.
God is great!
They drained the fluid from around his skull and the rest will mend on its own, in His perfect timing!
So Tyler is coming home alot sooner then we thought.... TOMORROW :)
Thank you all so much for praying, I am so blessed!
i am so happy there was good news!!