Monday, August 30, 2010

Kiddy update

Oscar is doing really really well! ALL glory to our heavenly Father! Thank you all so much for praying, I have had so many meassages of love, prayers and encoragment and I really appreciate it! Thanks so much!
He is is poopin' like a trooper! He is such a storng little boy and is ALWAYS smiling, weather he is in pain or not! That is one of the many things I love about my precious boy :)
His bottom is a little red but nothing major, hopfully it stays that way!
Oscar is on a bunch of meds for his constipation, all prescribed by a doc and all seem to be working great! For his bottom we are using bamboo oil, our mirical oil :) That seem to be doing the job to. For a while we thought he may have built an immunity to it but thankfully not!
Oscar has just learnt how to drink out of a 'big boy cup'!!
I am soo proud of him :)
Although he doesn't like to drink unless Mickey Mouse is showing on the big screen (which is ALWAYS!) so the cup can't be to wide or he can't see Mickey and throws his drink everywhere and has a tantrum! :S

I havn't talked about my extra family members (the kiddo's next door) for a while so I thought I'd include them in my Kiddy update so it wasn't just and Oscar update :)
The boys, Billy and Zac, are doing great! Billy is doing his 'Mathaton' at the moment and is trying so hard to raise money, its very cute! Zac just started going 2 days at preschool which gives jody a day with just Annie for a girls day which is good :) And Zac loves school!
My Princess Annie is thriving! She learns more and more every day!
Although she has a few bad habbits like saying 'shit' every second word! We have no idea where she learnt it but she thinks is hallerious! Which isn't such a good thing! She also likes to say 'owch Tayli, you macked me!' which isnt good either but some times funny and better then swearing (I dont hit her BTW! Only on the hand soft when she is naughty ;)
So pretty much All 4 kids are doing GREAT!
I am so blessed to have such amazing 'little people' in my life!
Zac always calls himself 'Taylis little man' haha, Annie is catching on but still call is 'Taylis princess' (I love having a little girl!)
Thanks for the prayers!
God is sooo great!
Big loves to everyone!
Oscar, Last Thursday afternoon, as a VERY sick little boy! But of course he is smiling! I love that smile, I love those sparkling eyes! Isn't he precious!
My lil Princess! This photo is pretty old but I LOVE her face in it! She is such a little princess! I love having a baby sister that I can dress up and love on, she is such a Doll!

Me and my boys :) Yes boys, You bug me so much some times but your big sis loves you so much and would do anything for you! Murrys Beach, 2010 :)

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