Friday, October 1, 2010

Saving Lera!

Once our eyes are opened, we can't pretend we don't know what to do. God who weighs our hearts, and keeps our souls knows that we know and holds US responsible to act.
~Proverbs 24:12

This is precious Lera! Isn't she a doll!

I first saw Lera picture soon after Oscar was born, on a facebook group... 'Down Syndrome'. I went to that group seeking support from other people who had been through what we had been. When I went into Leras picture I saw she DID NOT have a family!
"This is Lera. She needs a family fast or she will be sent to an institution where she can not be adopted. The conditions at this place are horrific and most don't live past their first year. She will be tied to a bed with very little food and no love, sunshine, or playtime. Google Reece's Rainbow to find out how you can help or go to my profile page. Please save Lera!"
That is what I read that day! Tht was the first time I had heard of RR, the first time I heard of the inhuman contidtions children with disablities face in Easten Europe! As any 13 year old would be, I was horriffied! Discussed! Scared!
Lera was my introducion to Reeces Rainbow!
She is truly something special to me :)

Thankful Lera has a loving family awaiting her arrival!
Diane Higbie has been commited to Lera for some time and has just gotten the news that she must raise another $28,000 to bring Lera home! WOW! That is on top of the funds she has ALREADY raised!
Normally adoption is around $20,ooo. That includes everything! In Leras case it is differant, it is expensive but it IS possible!
Lera has Down Syndrome and if not saved SOON she will be transfered! Please help save Lera! Her family is waiting! She has two beautiful sisters waiting at home, one who is blessed with that special extra 21st chromosome, just like Lera!
How much fun would it be having 2 princess's with Down Syndrome!
Down Syndrome SHOULD NOT be a death sentance but sadly, for Lera and sooooo many other sweet angels with Down Syndrome, it is the fate awaiting them!
Please help be apart of bringing Lera home!

That is the link to the Higbie familys blog that is helping bring Lera home!
PLEASE! Help bring Lera home! For any further info please feel free to contact me or Diane

If you donate please leave a comment or email me at and I will put your name in a draw. On the 16th of October (the date of my fundraiser ball in honor of Chrissie) I will draw 3 winners and make each a peice of beautiful Jewlery and post it off :)

Please keep advocating for Lera and spreading the word!
I know that God will provide!

Because every family deserves the blessing of a child with Down Syndrome :)

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